Missed It by That Much: Turn Near Misses into Mastery

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"Missed It by That Much: Turn Near Misses into Mastery"

Transform those frustrating near misses into powerful bursts of motivated action.
Did that deadline zoom past while you were paying attention to something else?

Harness that energy for future success.

In this workshop, I’ll guide you through the art of using the energy of a missed opportunity and turn it into fuel for setting up fail-proof systems to ensure
you're ready for the next big opportunity with confidence.

You will walk away with . . .

  • Strategies to Analyze and Learn from Past Misses: Understand what went wrong and how to leverage it for future planning. 
  • Proactive Preparation Techniques: Get ahead of the game with tools and methods that ensure you're always prepared. 
  • Systematic Planning for Future Opportunities: Learn how to identify and plan meticulously for upcoming opportunities. 
  • Setting Up Reminders and Alerts: Never miss a beat with our guide to setting up effective reminders. 
  • Creating a Personalized Mastery Plan: Walk away with a concrete plan tailored to your goals and business needs. 

Your Single Document System is inspired! I'm going to begin using it and make sense of alllllll the documents I have in Google Drive. Thank you for sharing, Magda

Judith Flowerday


Imagine  . . . 

Instead of  . . .

  • Spending tons of time every day searching for links, descriptions, figures, tools, courses, etc.
  • Trying to figure out what to work on next, you hunt down everything you need and are almost out of time by the time you are actually ready work.

You will

  • Have all your links, descriptions, figures, tools, courses, etc. are at your fingertips. 
  • Open your toolkit and everything is just a tab or a click away. You can sit down and start working!

Deb Putnoi


Highly Recommended. Makes it easy and fun to be consistent and productive. Thank you!!!

What's Included?

  • Google Sheet Workbooks for various aspects of your business
  • Data you need, even if you don't know you need them
  • Easy-to-understand formats and guidelines     
  • Customizable fields to fit your specific needs     
  • Real-time collaboration for your team   
  • Automated calculations to save you time and reduce errors
  • Video Walkthroughs
  •  Q&A 

Outsmart Misses

$128 USD

  • Stop Missing Opportunities

I Want This!

Why did I create this workshop and resources?

Having missed so many opportunities because I started preparing too late, or started early but never finished, I knew I had to so something differently.

This takes all the angst of missing yet another opportunity and channels it into success and anticipation.

This, like all my products, details may change and evolve to continue to best meet your needs.