Join me for this quick, 40 minute workshop will help you set up your year without planning your year!
If however, you have difficulty following through on those lovely annual planning sessions,
you might want to keep reading.
(It’s OK, you can leave the video playing while you read.)
I L❤️VE creating annual plans, 90-day plans and so on.
They are fun to create and look so beautiful when completed.
They inspire me.
They fill me with hope and excitement.
They empower me and I feel so purposeful after having spent hours or days planning everything out.
But . . .
once everything is all planned out, that is the end of it.
I don’t go back and actually follow through.
I may occasionally come across my lovely annual plan and rather than filling me with purpose and inspiration, it fills me with guilt and dread 🙀.
Yikes. That’s not supposed to happen!
What is the point of planning if you aren’t going to follow through?
Maybe it is better not to plan at all.
The “Don’t Plan Your Year” workshop answers those questions and more.
Even with the best of intentions and with putting in tons of time into your business,
you'll likely spend too much time perfecting your assets,
working IN your business instead of ON your business and
doing all the urgent tasks rather than making progress on the important ones.
You will likely work hard, but still not have the success you want and deserve.
So, if planning is not effective and yet not planning doesn't give you the results you need,
what do you do instead?
You put strategies and options in place to set yourself up for success
without actually planning out your year or quarter or whatever.
And THAT is what the Don't Plan Your Year workshop is all about
Instead of planning your year,
you will have a series of actions to take each day or week that
will ensure you move your business forward strategically,
without having to feel the guilt and disappointment of not following through on your annual plan.
Judith Flowerday
Hi, I'm Magda! Coworking Cooperative
I have always loved to plan, but struggled and failed to follow through. That left me feeling guilty, incompetent and full of self-loathing. Not a fun way to live.
Planning in smaller chunks helped, but I still didn't follow through.
When I stopped planning my year or my next 90 days, and instead focused on setting up my work so that I could make progress, even without a plan, things started moving forward more quickly. Those horrible feelings surfaced less and less because I was no longer "not following though." Instead, I was just moving forward.