Get Done the Tasks You Tend to Put Off

Use your intuition to choose a task every day

Get to Those Tasks and Have Fun Doing It:
A Daily Card Deck
for Distracted Entrepreneurs

Productivity Made Easy: Finally Get Stuff Done

  • Do you ever feel like you're endlessly spinning your wheels, trying to get things done but never making any real progress?
  • Keep putting off tasks in your business?
  • Do you have great intentions, but difficulty following through?

What if there was a fun and easy way to help you get where you are going . . . 

Your mind is constantly racing with ideas and to-do lists, but you struggle to stay focused long enough to actually get things done. Using an interactive virtual card deck to help you finally get productive can be so fun and effective.
Each day, simply choose a card and take action on the task it suggests.
This approach provides structure and accountability and
an element of fun and surprise to your day.
The variety of tasks ensures that you're constantly challenging yourself, expanding your skills and doing the things you tend to keep putting off.
Give it a try.
You might just be surprised at
 how much you accomplish with a little help from a virtual deck of cards!

The Possibilities

  •  Increase focus: Just focus on this one task that you've been putting off and know that you will get to other tasks soon. 
  • Enhance motivation: tackling some tasks is just hard sometimes. But if you make it into a game and only spend 10 minutes tackling that task, it can be so much easier to just get on with it. 
  • Increase efficiency: If you only have 10 minutes to make meaningful progress, you will focus on the essentials and not get bogged down by the minor details.
  • Improve time awareness: By spending just 10 minutes a day working on these tasks, you will gain a better understanding of what you can achieve in that amount of time.
  • Better follow-through: By getting through just one of the tasks each day, on a regular basis, you will start building the habit of following through.
  • Higher self-trust and confidence: As you build follow-through and the habit of getting to the tasks that you put off, you will build your self-trust and confidence.

What you get with the

 Get Done the Tasks You Tend to Put Off 

  • Anytime access, boost your productivity anytime, anywhere
  • 60 tasks entrepreneurs tend to procrastinate on (these shuffle on their own so you can be guided by your intuition to choose the card you need)
  • Fun, interactive virtual card deck
  • Downloadable and printable (if you like) "Procrastitracker/Journal" to keep track of your progress
  • Ongoing access for the lifetime of the product

So much confidence and productivity for such tiny price!

Get Done the Tasks You Tend to Put Off

$8 USD

  • Get the deck and get them done.

Deal Me In!

Magda Therrien

I am Magda and have been easily distracted all my life, which has lead me to find ways to be productive despite the distraction. 
Mix that with some sound pedagogy (a BA in Psychology, BEd, and an MA in Education), a lot of research and some of my own tweaks and creativity and you've got a recipe for fun and productivity, both essential ingredients for success.