12 Months of Tasko

Boost Your Business with 12 Months of Tasko: A Year of Growth and Efficiency!

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    12 Months of Tasko $18 USD
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    Self-Care Virtual Card Deck

    Miniature Self-Care for Busy, Distracted Entrepreneurs: 60 quick and easy self-care ideas even someone as busy as you can fit into your life. Self-care is essential but often we just don't have time for a long bath or a massage. With this virtual card deck you get 60 ideas that fit into your day no matter how busy you are.

    $8 USD

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        Highly Recommended. Makes it easy and fun to be consistent and productive. Thank you!!!

        Deb Putnoi

        Your Single Document System is inspired! I'm going to begin using it and make sense of alllllll the documents I have in Google Drive. Thank you for sharing, Magda

        Judith Flowerday